Inspiring leaders and society at large

Embrace Honour as an integral part of your leadership philosophy.

Honour in Business


Honour Entrepreneurship & CEO Forums

Honour has long been the foundation for thriving businesses. No business can grow and thrive without honouring its employees, customers and stakeholders.

Through our entrepreneurship and CEO Forums, we engage corporate leaders who desire to embrace the value of Honour as an integral part of their leadership philosophy – to walk the talk, lead with integrity and to honour those whom they serve.

We also developed the Honour Toolkit to help organisations uphold and honour their values. To get a copy of the Honour Toolkit, get in touch with us.

About the honour international symposium About the honour toolkit

Honour Champions Community

The Honour Champions Community provides a platform for individuals who believe in a culture of honour and honouring, to belong to a tribe or community where Honour is the enduring and resonating value; and to become an Honour-driven individual who seeks to influence their family, community and workplace.

Honour Champions meet in Honour Champion Groups (HCGs), where members can share experiences – both successes and challenges – to help fellow Champions better succeed; and to encourage one another to pursue the path of honour despite possible setbacks and disappointments.

Join the honour champions

Honour in Education


Honour Film Initiative

The Honour Film Initiative enables young emerging filmmakers to tell stories that otherwise may never get told. Stories of honour in its various dimensions: Integrity, respect, resilience, thrift and hard work.

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Honour Learning Journey

The Honour Learning Journey is a showcase of the best Honour short films, presented with the objective of inspiring youth with these stories of honour. It is an innovative film-based approach to values education.

learn more

Honour in Society

Honour Film Initiative (Online Outreach)

In a world of increasing income and wealth inequality, honouring people deeply as individuals deserving of dignity and respect becomes even more important.

To celebrate these individuals and their stories of honour, we present the Honour short films online, where we seek to generate million views, and sparked lively conversations about the value of honour.

Watch our honour short films


Today, more than ever, our society needs acts of goodness & kindness as we experience the effects of the global pandemic and economic crisis. In response to this need, #GoodKindGH is a volunteer-led initiative to appreciate and inspire acts of goodness & kindness, supported by both Honour (Ghana).

Whenever you do, see or experience an act of goodness & kindness, share it on social media and hashtag #GoodKindGH to inspire others. Let’s do something good and kind today!

Civil Society Forums

In an increasingly polarised society, Honour is crucial so that disagreements do not escalate to become vindictive or divisive, which would be a loss for Ghana as a society.

Through our Civil Society Forums, we seek to encourage and grow the space for mutually respectful dialogue among civil society leaders.