Promoting a culture of honour and honouring.

We seek to promote a culture of honour and honouring, in the belief that it is essential for the continuing peace, progress, and prosperity of Ghana...

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Special Feature

Honour in a Time of Economic Crisis!

Honour is needed now, more than ever before.

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Our initiatives

Honour Entrepreneurship & CEO Forums

The Honour entrepreneurship capacity development team is tasked with teaching memebers the fundamentals of entrepreneurship...

eCommunity of Honour Champions

An eCommunity of Honour Champions (eHCs), organised in Honour Community Groups (HCGs), where members share experiences to help one other succeed and to pursue the path of honour...

Honour Film Initiative

The media team produces brief videos to highlight the remarkable works of some people who deserve to be honoured in our society, in keeping with the organization's mission to give credit to whom credit is due...

Honour championships community(HCC)

Honour collaborates with various educational institutions to build Honour Champions Communitities, whihc are social clubs...

Honour Learning Journey

We inspire youth with a showcase of Honour short films, and facilitate a time of learning, reflection and takeaways about character, citizenship and values...


We seek to inspire acts of goodness & kindness, and to share them on social media via the hashtag #GoodKindGH. Let’s do something good and kind today...

Collaborate with us

sponsor an honour film

be a coporate sponsor on our next honour film

inspire a #GoodKindGH

join us to inspire acts of goodness and kindness for a better Ghana


Honour capability framework for organizations

Honour is an input, a process, and an outcome. One cannot receive Honour without first offering Honour through honourable intentions and actions. It is through this framework that we can achieve the success we intend for.

Using the Framework for your Organization

Honour begins with us as individuals. We should be able to identify the values we possess which are acceptable to the society so that we can build on them.

On the other hand, we should endeavour to identify our behaviours which are not acceptable so that we work on eschewing them. This will empower us to be the best we can be. As students, we cannot succeed without respecting our parents and teachers and obeying the school rules and regulations. By doing this, we honour those around us.